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START:IP Portfolio

Technologies for START:IP 2021
IT/Security/Fintec/Insurtech etc.

Irreversible Organic Electrochromic Materials

Electrochromic materials change colour with an electric current and have many applications as low energy visual indicators (e.g. displays, signage, e-readers). Currently, these materials are mainly reversible. However, for security related applications (e.g. smart, anti-tampering labels), irreversible materials would be highly desirable. This innovation presents high-performing, green, manufacturing-compatible, irreversible organic electrochromic formulations.

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IT/Security/Fintec/Insurtech etc.

Data Protection in Blockchain Ledgers

Blockchain ledgers are a decentralized (i.e., “owner-free”) way of sharing data. This is incredibly useful because publicly available data allows efficient use, thereby streamlining many bureaucratic processes. However, complying with data protection laws in this context presents a challenge. This innovation is a blockchain-based system that protects personal information, only revealing it when permission is granted by the owner.

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IT/Security/Fintec/Insurtech etc.

Faster Computing in Memory

It is becoming more difficult to increase computing speed, but a solution to this that is gaining great interest is computing “in-memory” – processing within memory arrays rather than separate processing arrays. Even within in-memory computing, new solutions are required to process faster. This technology is a way to perform a classic computer operation (XOR) faster in-memory.

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IT/Security/Fintec/Insurtech etc.

The Pan-European Emergency App

Access to emergency services can mean the difference between life and death, but efficient access to help is more than dialing 112. What if you couldn’t speak the language, don’t know where you are, or have a hearing disability? This app solves these issues by automatically sending your location to 112 services, works across borders, and supports other means of

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