Tracking construction progress is a vital task. When performed manually, it is inefficient, and the risk for mistakes and delays in the project increases. This technology automates construction site monitoring with smart 3D-scanning helmets and software that, together, generate a 3D model that can be continuously compared with the original design.
Technologie Kurzbeschreibung (nur Englisch)
Smart Continuous Construction Site Monitoring
Smart helmets and software for continuous construction monitoring
The technology consists of two parts – the smart helmets, worn by construction workers on-site, and the 3D model-building software. The smart helmet is fitted with a 3D depth camera and spatial sensor. As construction site workers go about their tasks, the camera collects visual information at regular intervals, generating so-called “point clouds” of data. These point clouds are fed through to the software that calibrates and generates a 3D model. This model is compared to the 3D Building Information Model (BIM), and thereby identifies which parts have been completed, what is yet to be done, and any potential errors in the construction. The critical advantage of the technology is the ability to continuously be up to date on the building progress. Currently, such detailed inspection could only occur, at best, once per week, and manually as opposed to being fully automated. The net result is a more efficiently managed building project, preventing mistakes and keeping the project on time.
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