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XBIO: Empowering Biotech Entrepreneurs

XBIO is an program aimed at guiding participants through the process of transforming their biomedical ideas into viable business plans and pitch decks. It is designed as a comprehensive 10-session course to provide aspiring biotech entrepreneurs with the knowledge and support needed to kickstart their startup. The program is an initiative of ISTA and the University Vienna, in cooperation with INiTS, MedUni Vienna, Khan, CeMM, and aws. It offers a unique opportunity to develop ideas, learn from industry experts, and connect with like-minded peers.

By bringing together aspiring entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs who have experienced the challenges of launching a biotech company, XBIO fosters an engaging environment for learning and networking. The program recognizes that the early years of a venture are critical, not only for aspiring entrepreneurs but also for those seeking to enhance their understanding of biomedical startups.

10-week Course Structure 

The program spans over a period of 10 weeks and covers various aspects essential to building a biomedical enterprise. Each session focuses on a specific topic, featuring expert speakers who provide valuable insights and practical advice. The program covers topics such as “How to Look at a Biotech Startup Idea”, “Exploring the components of a robust business plan”, “Navigating intellectual property and regulatory considerations” and much more. 

See the full schedule here: x-bio | Building a Biomedical Business

Currently the first XBIO batch is running and completely booked. But it will come back in 2024: If you are interested to join the next batch, just fill out the form at the end and we let you know when the application is open!


Shortcut to SCALEup Incubation

XBIO is covering all the important topics to turn an idea into a startup, but of course this is just the beginning. For those who want to take the next steps, the INiTS SCALEup Incubation Program might be the right choice. The program that has been continuously adapted to the needs of early stage startups in the field of Research – Technology – Innovation (FTI) and shows how to scale. Alumni include companies such as Ablevia, Lexogen, Marinomed, Origimm (now Sanofi) or Themis Bioscience (now MSD). XBIO graduates who are interested in the SCALEup Incubation Program can skip the SCALEup Pre-Incubation Phase and present their idea to the project advisory board straight away.

The program then starts with the 100-day Startup Camp with intensive trainings, workshops and support from experienced consultants and mentors, and continues with the 9-month Growth Phase with support in questions of further financing and growth. Teams with a female founder on board as well as startups that deal with climate or environmentally relevant topics can even secure a financial bonus of up to € 7,500 each.

More info: SCALEup (EN) – INiTS

Yes, I'm interested in the next XBIO batch, please keep me informed:


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