Damaged skin after laser therapy is painful and requires treatment with products that can soothe and help the skin to heal as fast as possible. This product is a unique and eco-friendly solution that not only moisturizes and relieves damaged skin, but further has skin regenerative properties to enable faster healing.
Technologie Kurzbeschreibung (nur Englisch)
Eco-friendly Healing Skin Mask
Eco-friendly mask for soothing and healing damaged skin
Most currently available products for damaged skin are limited in their effectiveness, particularly because they do not offer the complete spectrum of care needed – that is, moisturization, protection, calming of inflammation and inducing skin regeneration. These researchers have developed a novel hydrogel-based formulation containing active ingredients that achieve all of these properties. One of the key active ingredients is lipid nanodroplets – essentially very small droplets of oils – that can penetrate deep into the skin tissue and promote skin regeneration. These lipid nanodroplets are delivered to the skin while at the same time the hydrogel cools and moisturizes. The formulation has been carefully crafted to be elastic and allow quick release of these active ingredients, so that the mask can be used at home with ease. The mask is derived from natural plant-based ingredients and is furthermore non-toxic and completely biodegradable. With environmental sustainability in mind, the product has been developed using flower water, which is a byproduct of various industrial chemical processes, thereby reducing waste and creating a globally waterless product. Such products are a major trend in the cosmetics industry right now. Lastly, the mask could be used in any situation where skin has been damaged, for example after a tattoo, and is therefore not limited to after laser skin therapy. Taken together, this product is a novel all-in-one and eco-friendly solution for healing damaged skin.
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