Biomarkers are molecules that enable assessment of disease from body fluids such as blood and saliva. Current methods for biomarker detection are time- and labour-intensive, and require bulky, and often expensive, machinery. As a solution to this, a small transportable device has been developed that detects your choice of biomarker on-the-spot.
Technologie Kurzbeschreibung (nur Englisch)
Versatile real-time detection of biomarkers
On-the-spot detection of your biomarker of choice
Unlike other technologies, no preparation of the sample such as labelling is required for this device. Simply add a small volume of fluid, and your molecule is detected by the sensor that is customized for the molecule of interest. The readout is instant, allowing for real-time decisions to be made. Each sensor is a reusable cassette, allowing for multiple sample measurements at no added cost. The sensors can be made to detect any molecule – from proteins in viral particles, to autoimmune antibodies – and operate in a “plug-and-play” fashion, by simply exchanging the sensor for another one. The technology can further be expanded for the detection of non-biomarker molecules, such as toxins in wastewater samples.
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